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Jul 2016

“Life EWAS: Efficient & sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction”

The scope of Life EWAS project :

LIFE EWAS aims to foster innovation in the area of public and private interest of waste management by demonstrating the potential of new information technologies to OPTIMIZE current EU waste management operational methodologies and to establish a way forward for the standard adoption of a more sustainable model.

Aims & Objectives

Actions of the programme

21/07/16 Life EWAS Technical Meeting in Athens, 13-14 July 2014

Life EWAS Technical Meeting took place in Athens on 13-14 th of July at the head office of D-WASTE and all partners attended the meeting.
The two days meeting was dedicated to the progress and the first results of the project. There were presentations from all partners. Special attention was given on the results from the monitoring of the sensors in the two pilot areas of Seville and Chania. More in particularly, LIPASAM presented the first results regarding the collection optimization which according to the exploitation of sensors’ data can lead to a reduction of cost which reaches up to ...

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Life EWAS published on the eSmartCity

The eSmartcity.es hosts an extensive report on the European project Life EWAS. The article was published on 4th of July and presents the project, its objectives as well as the expected results and the under development social platform for the increase of recycling performance of pilot areas. The article is written in Spannish and it is available at: https://www.esmartcity.es/comunicaciones/2-congreso-ciudades-inteligentes-proyecto-life-ewas.

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Life EWAS in the Cyprus 2016 Conference

Life EWAS participated in 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Cyprus 2016, held in Limassol, Cyprus. Mrs. Niki Mavropoulou, D-Waste expert, represented the consortium of Life EWAS and presented the importance of Social Platforms and engagement of citizens in the waste management system, as well as the structure of the EWAS Platform that is currently under development, on 24th of June at the venue of the conference. Through the presentation participants of the conference were informed about the content of the platform and the ability of its users to get informed about the performance of the waste collection of the two pilot areas of the project, namely Chania and Seville, and learn useful information regarding recycling, in order to improve their recycling.

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Life EWAS at the Water & Waste Magazine

The journal Water & Waste in its issue No. 83, hosts an extensive report on the European project Life EWAS whose objective is the design of an efficient waste collection system that reduces greenhouse gases. The expected results and the under development social platform for the increase of recycling performance in the pilot areas, are also presented. The article is written in Greek and can be full read at http://www.water-waste.com/downloads/ms_28425.pdf

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Life EWAS Presented in the ORBIT 2016 Conference
Life EWAS participated in 10th International Conference on “Circular Economy and Organic Waste”, ORBIT 2016, held in Heraklion, Crete. Mrs. Aida Anthouli, D-Waste expert, represented the consortium of Life EWAS and presented the importance of Social Platforms in the waste management local action plans, as well as the structure of the EWAS Platform that is currently under development. The presentation took place on the venue of the conference on 26th May.
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Life EWAS in the 2016 Biometa Conference
LIFE EWAS project was presented in conference of BIOMETA 2016, a conference on biomethanisation, organized by the University of Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona on 11-12 May. The conference took place in Barcelona and on 11th May, Mrs. Marta Jofra (ENT) presented the experience of LIFE EWAS regarding the efficient waste collection management with the use of ICT tools.
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